Women  50+ looking to reclaim their physical strength & confidence...

Get a proven plan to reset and get your mojo back! You don't need to figure it out on your own.
(Without having to spend hours in the gym and restricting your diet, even if you've tried workouts at home before. )

Your body always wants to heal!

Train With Me

“If I could do a class like that everyday then I would most likely be painfree and more in touch with my body than I can imagine.” Michelle


3 Week Course


Click here :) !

I’m here to help people move and feel better. I want to inspire people to take action and have a stronger body and stronger mind. I offer online and in-person 1:1 training & co-ed group workshops. My approach combines Parkour, natural movement training, animal flow, original strength, breathwork & everything I’ve ever learnt that can be of help to others on their journey of change and improvement.

If you are looking for something with a more holistic approach to mind and body while having support and accountability then the 1:1 training could be for you. Change takes creativity and courage and there is not a ‘one size fits all’ solution when we lead busy lives and have many commitments.

The online training is possible by using the See&Do Move More app. The app has been designed to provide you with daily video workouts, descriptions and an easy way to message and be in contact as well as track all of your workouts.

Whether you’ve always been active, have never moved much or are looking to regain a sense of athletisiscm from previous years, I’m here to help you move forward step by step so you feel free to live your life well and in a meaningful way. Reach your highest potential for health and be the best version of you as you age.

If you’d like to get a feel for some of the ideas check out the CRAWLING GUIDE  or MOVEMENT SNACKS CHALLENGE I created. There are video lessons as well as some cool resources of articles and blogs. You’ll see what I’m into.

It's hard to make a plan if you dont know where you're at, what you need and how everything links together. This is what I do. I help you see where you need to put your energy, where it's being wasted and what the priority should be for what you do next depending on where you are right now. Book a Free 15 minute strategy call and let me support you in mapping out a plan. Don't stay stuck or accept where you're at if you're not feeling good. 

Online & in Person

I have had many teachers whose stories have changed mine. I want to help you change yours.

To take the first step in committing to change message me at

Start making the changes you want in your everyday quality of balance, mobility and strength with the free Crawling & Movement Snacks guide and then commit to 10 minutes everyday with the Movement Snacks program.


Not everyone has the luxury of time to be outside and moving, playing, exercising and training everyday. Life can be busy, messy and complicated. We want you to feel good even when you don’t have a lot of time. Movement Snacks is an approach to bite sized movement sequences that will keep you strong, mobile, pain free and happier during the busier parts of your week.

Movement Snacks is a daily 10 minute accessible movement practice that will kickstart your mobility and get you feeling good. If you are sat down for most of the day these are the snacks that you want to see you through and leave you feeling strong and pain free each day. They include breath work, nervous system resets, mobility, balance and strength. Movement Snacks gives you the tools to unwind the stiffness and rigidity developed from hours upon hours of sitting in chairs, cars, seats, couches and meetings.

The course is perfect for you if…

  • You are too busy during the week to do full workouts even if you want to.
  • You want to move everyday but know you need restorative rest days.
  • You want to get back into training and being more active like you used to be.
  • You want to get rid of the old injuries and niggles of aches and pains that don’t fully stop you but definitely bother you and make you feel older than you should.
  • You’re bored of doing the same old thing and not seeing results.
  • You’re interested in progress not perfection. Perfection isn’t real.
  • You want to move all of your body and feel more connected in it and to it.


I'm Julie

Movement, Breathwork & Parkour Coach, Artist, author, multi-passionate in midlife

I help active women 50+ reclaim their physical strength & feel confident, brave & adventurous as they age. My purpose is to inspire others to create a new sense of self by daring to be creative in everything they do & see the world as a playground to move, explore, discover and enjoy at any age. 