As women navigate midlife and transition through perimenopause and menopause, they face a multitude of changes and challenges. Their attention maybe on stress, anxiety, juggling different priorities, caring for others or when it comes to their body - weight management due to hormonal shifts, hot flashes, poor sleep, brain fog, loss of muscle mass and lifestyle adjustments. It could be managing their sense of overwhelm or navigating mobility in a new way as their joints feel steel like the tin man. A lot of the time all of these menopause symptoms steal the joy from everyday life, especially as we tend to compare ourselves to others who seem to 'have it all sorted'. However, one of the most powerful tools is often overlooked because we are doing it 20000 times a day and giving it little attention. How we breathe matters.

Table of contents:

1. Mastering Breathwork: The Foundation of Vitality

2. Harnessing the Power of Oxygen: A Path to Renewal

3. Harmonising Mind, Body, and Breath: A Holistic Approach to Health

4. Restorative Breathing: Nurturing the Breath of Renewal

5. Embracing the Breath of Change: Evolution Through Breath

Like many people I explored Wim Hof breathing benefits and found that for stressed out middle-aged women there were none. In fact it exacerbated my anxiety. What I needed was breathing exercises for anxiety. We want to GIVE our brain more oxygen rather than deplete it. The levels of stress self-induced hyperventilation requires is for people with an ALREADY regulated nervous system and even then I'd suggest far better methods...

Luckily I've been there and done that so you don't need to. I have many good friends who are health coaches who have also seen it all before and know the way out for women like me and you. They were already ahead of the game in terms of being certified breathwork educators. There were so many relaxation techniques involving BREATHING that I had no idea about at the time.

And here's the thing, I'm no different from you....other than I was managing a concussion at the same time.

While this was a LOT to deal with as all I wanted to do was cry on the sofa all day as the only word that summed up how I felt at the time was OVERWHELMED.

Navigating life and our health (physical, mental and emotional)  after 50 requires a tailored approach specifically designed for the perimenopausal and postmenopausal body. (Menopause is a single 1 day event marking 365 days since your last menstrual cycle)

Below, I delve into one of the most potent and transformative tools I used to help manage my stress, sleep better, find calm and focus, is free and always available. The power of how we breath and its role in enhancing health, vitality, serenity, focus, and fluidity, drawing insights from current and much older research that all agree on one thing.

If you want to feel well you need to breathe well. 

1. Mastering Breathwork: The Foundation of Vitality

Central to optimising health post-menopause is mastering the art of breathwork. Many women unknowingly engage in what I term as "over breathing," characterised by fast, shallow, loud and erratic breathing patterns. They sigh a lot without even noticing. Just as over training yields limited results in exercise, over breathing undermines our well-being. With conscious breathing techniques, such as those advocated by systems such as the Oxygen Advantage and Buteyko, we can tap into the profound benefits of proper oxygenation, enhancing energy levels, promoting calmness, sharpening focus, and facilitating a state of flow in our daily activities. Every cell in our body needs 2 things- oxygen and glucose! Focus son the first and managing your blood sugar changes too!

2. Harnessing the Power of Oxygen: A Path to Renewal

Incorporating breath-focused exercises into our workout routines and daily habits - it can be as simple as how you breathe while going for a walk - offers a pathway to rejuvenation and transformation. As we age, our bodies undergo physiological changes, necessitating a shift in our approach to movement, stress management, sleep and digestion/nutrition. While mainstream thinking continues to promote cardiovascular activities (they have their place of course)  they should not dominate our regimen. Instead, prioritise activities that help to regulate your nervous system and enhance oxygen utilisation, such as breath-focused exercises and gentle movement practices, to foster holistic well-being and vitality and start using breathing exercises for managing stress as our go to.

3. Harmonising Mind, Body, and Breath: A Holistic Approach to Health

Achieving harmony in our health journey requires a holistic integration of mind, body, and breath. It's all connected. Our body doesn't distinguish between stressors that are physical, emotional or imagined. We only produce 1 type of cortisol and it can be triggered from internal or external stressors. By embracing breath-centric exercises that invite air hunger (think small breath holds while sitting or walking), we cultivate resilience, calm, and grace in our daily lives. We are a mind body system that cannot be separated and breathwork is also the connection between the conscious and the unconscious mind, a catalyst for holistic wellness, promoting physical vitality, mental clarity, and emotional balance.

4. Restorative Breathing: Nurturing the Breath of Renewal

Amidst the hustle and bustle of modern life, honouring moments of rest and renewal is paramount for sustaining vitality and well-being. Strong Resting is the way to approach this vital key to finding our balance, getting stronger, calmer, healthier and happier. Just as our muscles require periods of rest to regenerate and strengthen, so too does our brain yearn for moments of replenishment and rejuvenation. How we breathe determines the level of cerebral blood flow to the brain. Basically, if you want good brain health as you age you want to have Functional Breathing Patterns.  

By embracing restorative breathing practices, such as light, slow and deep diaphragmatic nasal breathing, we nourish our bodies, minds, and spirits, fostering a deep sense of calm and equilibrium amidst life's tumultuous currents. CO2 is not a 'waste gas' it's one we want to build up a tolerance to for maximum oxygenation and health. 
The less you breathe the more oxygen you have. It's about the UPTAKE not the INTAKE of air.

5. Embracing the Breath of Change: Evolution Through Breath

True transformation unfolds when we embrace the breath of change, stepping beyond our comfort zones and into the realm of possibility. Whether through breath-focused exercises or mindful movement practices, each inhalation and exhalation becomes a catalyst for growth, renewal, and transformation, OR it can fuel more stress, anxiety, tension and pain. The beauty of breathwork is that we can CHOOSE.  

Breathing is the gateway between the conscious and unconscious mind. 
It's how we can go from doing life unaware on autopilot to start to really notice things, have more ideas, calm and ease, sleep deeply and restoratively and have more autonomy and joy. 

It's also why mindset work doesn't work for people who need it the most. You can't overwrite the fundamental physiological need for oxygen. Our body will prioritise it over everything else.

By infusing our lives with intentional breathing, we awaken to the infinite potential within, charting a course towards radiant health, vitality, and well-being.

In conclusion, the journey to optimal health and vitality peri and post-menopause begins with mastering the art of breathing to help control our stress, find balance and feel at home and trust our mind and body. By cultivating breath-centric living, harmonising mind, body, and breath, and embracing the breath of change, we unlock the secrets to a vibrant and fulfilling life. As we navigate the currents of menopause and midlife, may we breathe slowly, through our nose, lightly and deeply, live fully, and embrace each breath as a sacred gift, guiding us towards radiant health and well-being.

We are all unique and have different needs and stories. You are the only one who has lived your life and knows how you feel. However, there are some elements to be aware of to ensure you're feeling as well as you can with all the efforts you already put in to your health and wellness.

Everything happens downstream of how we breathe as it is THE MOST IMPORTANT PHYSIOLOGICAL PROCESS for your body. When you restore functional breathing patterns everything is easier - how you digest your food (think no more bloat and maximum absorption of the nutrients in your food, ) recovering quickly from your workouts and not getting out of breath doing them. managing your blood pressure and metabolism and of course the cornerstone of so many aspects of our health - better sleep.

If you're curious about how to know if you have functional breathing or not, do this simple test. The BOLT Score.
(Under 25 seconds means you have SO MUCH POTENTIAL to feel so much better as you currently have dysfunctional breathing patterns.) 

Message me and let me know your number and I can help map out what the next step is for you. 

Thanks for reading! - is your mouth still closed? 🙂


breathe, breathing exercises, wim hoff breathing

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