The Magic Happens Outside
My purpose is to inspire others to create a new sense of self by daring to be creative in everything they do & see the world as a playground to move, explore, discover and enjoy at any age.
When you see the world around you as a series of opportunities to explore, say hello to and what you are made of, it opens up a sense of possibility. If the bench or wall is no longer ‘just a bench or a wall’, instead they are obstacles, challenges, and part of a game. Then it opens up the possibility for you to create a new vision of how you see yourself too.
Proin convallis et mi quis venenatis. Morbi varius vitae nulla aliquam tristique. Praesent gravida malesuada turpis, a hendrerit lorem tincidunt et. Quisque varius sapien vel maximus faucibus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

We evolved to move, it’s what our brains are designed to do.
Despite common thinking that movement comes from the muscles, it doesn’t, our brain and nervous system is running the show.
We all have a body and therefore movement is for every body type. Hi Younger, older, smaller, larger, whatever your body feels and looks like, movement is for you.
Start where you’re at. The dosage and the style will be different from everyone else’s as you are the only one who is living your life. Your body, your story.
You were born to move and every aspect of your life will improve once you find your kind of movement culture that fits you and your life.
You need your own individual movement culture that works for YOU and YOUR everyday life that feels joyful, accessible and in balance with your daily demands and responsibilities. That means that you are consistently moving in ways that make you feel good and can feel yourself becoming stronger and more connected in mind and body. And that nothing has been ‘lost’ as you age.
When you do this you won’t ever feel like you are “working out” or exhausted, you have a renewed sense of energy, confidence, connection and that you can move through the world pain free , confident and at ease. This strategy is what will get you out of feeling you’ve plateaued and guilty about knowing what to do and yet not doing. Instead you will be emotionally and physically moving with ease and fun, reclaiming your strength, optimism and confidence as you age.
You need to master the art of recovery and strong resting to find balance, feel calm and wake up with good energy everyday. To unlearn that any sort of recovery is lazy, and that what might have worked for you 5 or 10 years ago might no longer be working. Running on empty will keep you stuck in a downward spiral of low self-esteem and pessimism for how you are ageing. When you start strong resting you give value to the repair, rebuild and reset part of your training equation, recover from injuries, use deep nutrition to help calm your over-vigilant nervous system and set yourself up for long term health improvements and energy that are what will keep you moving and remaining strong in a sustainable way for the weeks, months, years and decades ahead.
We experience both internal and external ageism. Society gives us messages around how we should and shouldn’t look like, behave, think, do etc at certain ages, and we have our own internal ageist dialogue. You need to reconnect with yourself and your environment in a positive way. The ability to push through and ignore all the messages our body sends us can serve us well from time to time but not on a constant basis. The end result will be an overly stressed body and mind. That’s tiring! Injuries, weight gain and fatigue creep in and you’re left unsure if you can ever turn things around. Learning to overcome our own internal obstacles of self-talk and listen is essential so that you never find yourself struggling again with feeling good in your body.