Ciné Parkour - Julie Angel PhD

Ciné Parkour

Cine-Parkour-Book-image1In 2011 I successfully completed an Audio Visual PhD at Brunel University’s Screen Media Research Centre. I have presented my work at various festivals and exhibitions all over the world as well as participating in academic conferences.

Title: Ciné Parkour: a cinematic and theoretical contribution to the understanding of the practice of parkour.
Supervisors: Professor Michael Wayne, Dr. Alisa Lebow

The project involved submission of a written thesis and dvd of select films. Both of which are available to buy here:

Many of the research films are available to view on my YouTube channel:

Research interests included: collaborative filmmaking processes, participant observation, shared cinema, activism, creativity, space, place, identity, phenomenology, mediatisation, sportification, body cultures.


academia parkour, avphd, avphd on parkour, documentary filmmaking parkour, ethnography, parkour doctorate, parkour phD, train with Julie Angel, visual anthropology

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