5 Steps to Better Balance
Balance is in every move that we do yet few people intentionally train it on a regular basis. When you improve your balance you improve ALL of your movements.
This quick guide gives you the 5 steps you need to start and maintain a balance practice. Right Click on the image to download or click the button below.
Our balance is a reflection of our nervous system and it's a very honest measure of how we feel when we test it on a regular basis. Even when walking we are in a constant state of balancing on 1 foot then transitioning to the other.
On a day when you feel very tired or have been stressed and overwhelmed, you will see a difference in your balance, even if you don't FEEL tired, stressed or particularly overwhelmed.
To stand on 1 foot for a short period of time is not an obviously tiring movement drill, yet it demands a lot of our nervous system.
Self-test and get your starting balance baseline.
Stand on 1 foot with both eyes closed and count how long you can remain in balance without putting your other foot down. Repeat on the other foot.
Do this several times on each side to get an average of your baseline balance on each side.
How to train & improve your balance
The Work is in the WOBBLE!
Practice & Fight for your Balance
Stay safe and have fun with your balance training!
Message me with your numbers for your left and right foot with your eyes closed and what it was after a few minutes practising these 5 steps. You've got this!!!
cheers x Julie