DAY 1!
Movement Snacks: bite sized time efficient fun ways to increase your strength, mobility and connect mind and body.
Free 4 Day Challenge!
Welcome to Day 1 of your Free 4 Day Free Movement Snacks Challenge!
Day 1: Why you need this.
You’ll discover how you can get more energy by releasing tension that isn't serving you and to unlock your body and feel calmer and safer so your body is happier to reach and increase it's range of motion.
The more energy we have the more we can move and get stronger, happier and feel capable and therefore confident.
No equipment needed.
Day 1 LIVE: 4 Steps to Create Change.
It's never just about how we move our body. If we want to have more movement, less stiffness, more strength and consistency in our practice, we need to know that Movement is Emotional and that both our mind and body are involved in creating the changes we want.
Day 1: 5 Minute Movement Snacks Flow
Crocodile Breathing
Shin Box
ShinBox Sequence
ShinBox to Standing
Shake Vibrate Bounce
Your B.O.L.T. Score
To start the test, sit down and engage in your normal breathing for around five minutes. Take a normal breath in and out through your nose. Then pinch your nose with your fingers and time how long it takes until you feel the first desire to breathe or the first involuntary movement of your breathing muscles.
When you let go your breathing should be normal. A BOLT score above 25 seconds indicates there is an 89% chance you have FUNCTIONAL BREATHING PATTERNS! This is the minimum goal for the BOLT, and the main aim is to get to 40 seconds.
I want you all to have a transformative experience during the challenge so for the next 48 hours I'm going to give you my FREE BETTER BALANCE GUIDE. Here's what you need to do to get it.
Simply reply with the word BALANCE to your Day 1 email and I'll send it over.
How we balance effects EVERY other movement we do. And the great thing about balance is that we can improve it REALLY QUICKLY!